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If You’ve Been Arrested for DUI in Idaho, Your Attorney's Experience Matters


Cody Long has been a criminal defense attorney for over 17 years, with a primary focus on Driving Under the Influence cases. Over the years, prosecutors and judges have become increasingly tough on DUI offenders. No longer can you expect a slap on the wrist for a DUI, especially if you've had a DUI in the past--one judge recently commented about a client's DUI from 40 years ago. Because of the more punitive approach towards DUIs, having an experienced DUI attorney like Cody Long on your side is critical to minimizing the penalties you may be facing.


Penalties for a DUI in Idaho are significant, even for a first offense. The prosecutor is already preparing his case against you. You need a knowledgeable DUI attorney like Cody Long on your side as soon as possible to adequately prepare your case.


Bear in mind, not every attorney knows how to properly handle DUI cases. They are complex in the law and in the scientific nature of the evidence. Again, your attorney's experience matters. 


Cody will analyze your case and devise a specific plan for you. You will both work together to decide whether the best course of action is to go to trial or make the best of a bad situation and work out a plea deal with the prosecutor.


Mandatory Jail Time

For an excessive DUI (BAC over 0.20) or a second offense DUI, Idaho law requires a minimum of ten days in jail, plus other penalties.​ In felony cases, the mandatory jail time is even longer.


Criminal Penalties for DUI in Idaho

The following is a non-exhaustive summary of the criminal penalties you face in addition to the penalties in the civil case:


First-Time DUI: up to 180 days in jail, 180-day license suspension, $1,000.00 fine.


First-time “Excessive” DUI: minimum 10 days in jail, up to 1 year in jail, 1-year license suspension, $2,000.00 fine.


Second DUI in 10 Years: minimum 10 days in jail, up to 1 year in jail, 1-year license suspension, $2,000.00 fine.


Second “Excessive” in 5 Years: 30 days - 5 Years in prison, up to 5-year license suspension, $5,000.00 fine.


Third DUI (Felony) in 10 Years: 30 days - 10 Years in prison, up to 5-year license suspension, $5,000.00 fine.


Idaho law requires an ignition interlock for any driver convicted of a DUI.


Civil Penalties—You Only Have Seven Days to Take Action

The Idaho Transportation Department will automatically suspend your driver’s license if you failed the breath test during a DUI stop. If you refused the breath test, the penalties are much worse and the prosecutor will seek a fine and a court order banning you from driving for one year. These are considered “civil proceedings” (as opposed to criminal proceedings). If you want to fight the automatic suspension, you must begin the process within seven days of your driving under the influence arrest. The following summarizes the license suspension penalties in an Idaho DUI civil case:



Call Long Law Office, PLLC to Get Started Right Away

For more than 17 years, attorney Cody has been helping people defend their cases against even the toughest criminal prosecutors. His extensive knowledge about DUI law, procedures, and investigations gives him an advantage in the courtroom, something that has proven very effective for achieving the best outcomes. If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Idaho, call Cody at Long Law Office right away at (208) 287-3303.


The consultation is free.



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